7:24 PM Tuesday, September 29, 2009
almost taken back all the prelim papers.
can say not really well done.
failed many subjects neh ):
grrr, got to buck up.
actually here to wish those,
who are taking their EOY paper this week, goodluck oh.
and my dearest friends, who are taking their N level next week.
lucks oh. :D
7:56 PM Saturday, September 26, 2009
hellos :D
hmm,school is fine,only get back prelim papers ):
tsktsk, did badly for some subjects ):
nevermind still got next year, must buck up :D
pretty happy with some subjects.
and today, grandma went malaysia for relative birthday celebration LOL.
and currently at home with uncle. LOL.
hmm, soon it will be october.
and exactly 1 month from now, o level will start ):
this means i will have to study really hard for my maths, and less playing.
alright, off to make my own dinner now :D
you gotta know how much ily.
missing you everyday.i'll be waiting :DDDD
7:29 PM Wednesday, September 23, 2009
i'm back from shopping today :D
so met marilynchew at inter.
train-ed to bugis, walk around, blahblah.
had a hard time looking for nice dress .
around 2plus train-ed to orchard.
went far east and den to ion.
blahblah.marilynchew's bf came, and blahblah.
he got lots of comment siia :x
den go taka. blahblah.
back to tpy around 5plus.
look for mummy at fairprice, buy things alr,
home sweet home :D
grrr, there's school tmr );
getting back papers i think. haiiiiix. i dun want.
confirm did very badly norh ):andyaihadgiveuponyoualrbecauseofsomeoneandyajiayouforyourupcomingexams.

10:30 AM
finally im done with my blogskin :D
hahah! going out later! :DD
4:53 PM Tuesday, September 22, 2009
finally today had my last paper :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDtmr no school, going out :DDso after paper, walk walk. blahblah!and ya, i changing blogskin soon, i still editing it :Dhahah! byebye!goodbyelove.
8:18 PM Monday, September 21, 2009
alright, today wake up early,bathe and prepare.
left home around 10plus, meet marilyn & her bf at tpy.
off for brunch at kfc. LOL. and walked around, to digest. LOL.
headed to skygarden after that cause me & chew wanna study poa!
wooo! tmr last paper! JiaYou people!
her bf left, we took out the notes! flip flip flip.
awhile later, dun feel like studying alr.
so slack, and draw draw. hahah!
left sky around 4plus. off to old chang kee,and toilet :D
den headed to buy things and library, slack :D
chit chatted bout some stuff, hahah!
me & chew thought of the same things, and very curious bout some stuff.
hahah! we xin ling xiang tong :D hahah!
and wednesday going out:D woooO!
and one month from now its gonna be O level. thats really fast ):
im not prepared . grrr.
goodluck to people having papers tmr, and its my last paper.
paper last for an hr. and enjoy! hoho.
idunwannarepeathistoryagain ):
oncebittentwiceshy ):
aslongasyouarehappyiwillgiveyoumyblessing.loveissocomplicated ):
10:37 AM Sunday, September 20, 2009
HAPPY 20092009! hah!hello people. i'm back :Dthursday went study with chew! we did studied okay! haah!did maths questions together, helped one another :Dden we needed toilet urgently, so went to library de, andproceeded to kfc to study LOL. chew's bf there!den continued our maths, went home around 8plus.and friday, science paper 1 & maths paper 2.science is still alright, but maths paper kills lots of my braincells. LOL.i skipped quite alot questions and had no time to finished the whole paper,even though its 2h30mins paper.die, i dunno o level how! hope paper 1 i can pass (:den had photo taking session (cca) in the afternoon.blahblah, me & neveon slack around. LOL.had fun with the cadets.and changed to full u around 3plus,and phototaking at 4plus i think.after that,changed.and home sweet home.reached home around 5plus, rushed and prepared.left home around 6plus, met chew at inter.celebrated, Jona & Jason's belated birthday.and mrt-ed to yio chu kang, we missed quite afew trains, as the time is still early,and thinks that many will be late.and when me & chew reached yck, we saw some of them and we all took the same train lah!hahah. so qiao. den waited for the rest,total 14 people. and den went to someone's father shop to makan.took bus there and walked.blahblah. had fun , but got cats there. ): and den cut cakes, and took 163 back to tpy.and rushed to toilet. LOL. and 238 home :Dreached home around 11plus i think. blahblah!photos below :D

study with chew @ skygarden! had fun :D
9:43 PM Wednesday, September 16, 2009

9:44 PM Friday, September 11, 2009
hello :D
proper post today :D
had not been studying for few days.
die ):
alright, so today went out with primary school friends.
long time never see each other alr.
all grow tall liao.
so actually only me late, but den i asked marilyn walk come my bus stop.
hhahah!so the rest waiting for me & her. LOL.
den mrt to yishun.had laughter!
so reached alr, waited for yowche.
so went to the buy ticket, and they had lunch at burger king.
anyway there were 9 people,yowche,me,marilyn,benedict,zongbang,gibson,kevyn,jinghan,jinghong!
so watched G-force, errr the show abit boring uh! but some parts quite funny. LOL.
so after that went to mac slack. chit chat!han & hong left. den we left mac and went to somewhere else.
after awhile, back to mac again. discuss bout the eoy gathering :D
den yowche went off for her bbq.the rest went yoshinoya for dinner.blahblah.
and mrt home :D
it's been long time since we last met, and hope next time got more of this kind of outing ya~
pretty enjoy today, the laughter,the fun. chit chatting session!
first time i seee them talk so much. haaaaaa.
and gibson get well soon uh! hahaah!
i think this clique of primary school friends, aint like the secondary school clique! hahaha.
here are some unglam photos, and a group photo :D

see you guys soon after your 'O' and 'N' level. :D
goodluck uh!