7:31 PM
hellos.i am back. went school today.and had mving monday.had lots of fun.never went for jogging. (;den they all came back in time. so today had no delays.hope next time also like tat. (;den had drills session.neveon scolded them seh. hhaa. (;den i at there diamdiam. (;den we did statics turning. asked them to close their eyes. ahaha.and we give them the command.tat one super funny la..den lessons as usual.wth. mdm toh told mrs lai not to let the four if us sitting tgt.den we are sitting alone. (;marilyn sitting beside me. heng.~den blahblah.went inter with baobei , honghong and chewchew . (;pei-ed chewchew go popular. shunbian buy jerlinda's present. ;Dden blahblahblah. (;and went home. ;DD
7:49 PM Sunday, June 29, 2008
hello people.back.today went bugis with aunt cousin and grandma.on the way there. got one old uncle wwanted to alight at the stop. den he forgotten and when the door half close le. he walked out and his hand at the door there trying to let the door opening. LOLS. lucky got people there to help him.den reached bugis go baibai.den go shopping awhile.den went eat.blahblahblah.den go back tpy and go to my cousin house. (;
8:49 PM Saturday, June 28, 2008
hellos. back.today went to meet jasmine .she wann make her phone thingy.den pei her. after that went to her mum shop put the two phone.haha.den after that pei her back to tpy take the phone she left at the shop again.LOL.after that went to neveon's house .den jasmine went for bible study . (;
7:57 PM Friday, June 27, 2008
hellos. (;today got nothing much. parade.secones got silat den mr tham ask me to join. den xh and jaime pei me.yay. !haha.den got amazing race.got one group cannot decide bridge or crunches to do.so i decide for them. hahaden like tat norh. and congrats to the 6 heads. kelvin (training head)menghow (assistant head)jaime (admin head)xinhui (assistant admin)kenny (logistic head)haidir (assistant logistic)..kenny don bully haidir horr. (;
8:09 PM Wednesday, June 25, 2008
hellos.school was borinq.i hate my form teacher . =xnothing to post liao. (;
6:45 PM Tuesday, June 24, 2008
hello..i hate my form teacher more and more. today got another spotcheck..den mdm toh catch my nails. my nails super short liao lorr. still wann catch me. wth.den blahblahblahden english lesson we keep laugh laugh laugh.den blahblahblah.pc so siian.. den teacher keep saying us. wth.
8:45 PM Monday, June 23, 2008
Survey Instruction Remove 1 Question from the quiz below & replace it with your own .Tag 8 ppl && list them down at the end of the post , Notify them in their tagboard
That they have been Tagged
tagged by JERLINDA
1 . How long will you wait for someone you ?
see how ;D2 . What do you hope for now ?
study hard and still liking him. ;D
3 .What is the last thing you say/do if tomorrow is the end of the world ?
use computer till shuangshuang and go shopping with friends. ;D
4 .Do you hate your friends sometime ?
ya.. of cox. ;x
5 . What your favorite Color ?
green , white .
6 .Do you believe in see rainbow after the rain ?
ya. of cox.7 . Will you be happy , if the one you is happy?
of cox la.. so lonq as he/she is happy i will be happy too. (;8 . What are you listening now ?
nothing. );
9 . Are you happy with your life now ?
not really.
10 . What if your crush ask you out ?
like tat norh.
11 .What will you do if your crush know you had a crush on them ?
wont happen de. ;D
12 . What feeling do you hate most ?
people talking bad bout me, humji people and those act biq de.
13 .You are currently in ?
my living room. ;D
14 .What are you looking forward to the outcome weeks ?
going shopping. (;
15 .The most importance thing in your life ?
my family, friends and me myself. (;
16 .Who do you hope to be always there for you ?
my sisters , my love , my handphone. (;
17.Do you find life meaningless ?
18. What if you believe that there is " True Love " ?
dunno lehs.
19. What if you lose someone importance ?
cry la. );
20 .What can you change if you can turn back time ?
study harder. ;D
taq 8 peoples
marilyn. <3>
7:36 PM
hello people.i am back, (;today first day of term three sucks.. i hate my form teacher. grrrrrrrr.firstly had reading period followed by miss fauziah talking bout discipline thingy. den spot check. no PD. LOLS.den had form teacher period. my form teacher spilt marilyn peiling jasmine jerlinda minghui all. cox she say we very noisy and always talk cannot sit together. wth. den nevermind change place le. become three digusting person sitting near me. one behind me one beside me another one behind. WTH.i don wann sit beside bangalah.. i know i am racist. and tat bangalah is super disgusting bite fingernails and pen all this.. yuckkk... den chinese lesson the teacher zibi wann talk to herself also noone wanns to listen to her.den do xizi. (;after that english. relief teacher cox pearly lim on course.den chemistry. went to lab, den miss jaime ask question noone wann to answer so she played with us the volunteering game.means tat those who answer her question can sit down. LOL. den after that all answer one question by one . haha.den got lsp maths. a lot ppl pon. i am one of them. ;xafter that quickly zao go out school. haha.den after that peiling marilyn jasmine and neveon came my house. we all do homework. see we so guai. (;haha. den at around 3 plus jasmine peiling and neveon went off so left marilyn and me. so we continue doing homework.den around 4 plus she left so pei her walk cox she dunno how to walk out. LOL.and tats the end of today.!i wanna change place. or either change the bangalah place..or even better the three digusting ppl. and ya.the shuangmeng wave at me and neveon on 232 bus after school super ps cann. haha.plus he also wave at me during recess. hahaa. (;
10:42 AM Saturday, June 21, 2008
hello people. (;back .. wednesday went to have steamboat. den blahblahblah. (;thursday went to nyp play viwawa the whole day. ;Dden yesterday went to OO rehersal. super early.say 730am must reach school in the end 9 plus den start the rehersal. WTH.den after the rehersal went tpy to eat. den went mac and slack with neveon. we laugh and laugh and laugh. LOLden at night went to eat dinner celebrate my brother birthday. took lots of photos. (;den blahblahblah. PHOTOS in random order. ;D